Friday, June 11, 2010

Wednesday Night College-Age Ministry Not Traditional Class

One of the goals of the College-Age Ministry class is to educate ourselves on certain topics. There are many topics that directly affect the Church. We will focus on a few with the understanding we will try to affect change locally on that topic.
These topics have been mislabeled as “political issues” by the mainstream media. The reason the media has done this is so that the issues become a matter of opinion (I think I’m right) rather than morals (God says it’s right.)
When the debate becomes political, how you believe in one area is grouped into other topics that you may or may not agree with (conservative vs. liberal.) For instance, a hot topic issue that directly involves the Church is abortion. The Word of God confirms that life begins at conception because we know God created each one of us. The media has labeled the Church’s stance on abortion “pro-life.” The opposing side is called “pro-choice.” The politically conservative position on abortion is the pro-life position. Hence, because the Church’s position and the conservative position on abortion are the same, the liberal media has tried to group the Church and conservative politics together on everything!
The situation becomes more difficult concerning the separation of Church and State, one of the topics we will discuss. Many in the United States believe the Church is not allowed to be involved in “political” debates. Sadly, a good number of those are in Church! I, however, believe the opposite, that we are to be involved in every aspect of the world around us, to influence it by the Word of God. (The World will not change if the Church stays locked in the building on Sunday!)
I do not want to discuss politics. I want to talk about getting involved in our communities, the world around us, and let God’s voice be heard.
The topics we will address…

1. The LGBT culture and its impact on the Church
2. How the modern interpretation of the separation of Church and State is a lie from Satan
3. Why Satan wants marriages destroyed.
4. Why the Bible, Prayer, and the Ten Commandments are banned
5. The media as the enemy’s weapon.
6. How abortion was changed from murder to a woman’s right to “choose.”
7. Why the world needs the Church to be the Church of God

I am ready to get started on this. The first email lesson will be sent next week (Tuesday night) and a new one will be every week after that. The Wednesday night class will be for discussing “Attitudes of Great Leaders” and praying for one another.

God bless you all!

In Christ,

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